Apr 12, 2007

tick, tick, tick…

the time is coming near an end for submission into the {what can you make out of this} contest. i must have your card submitted to me by email by midnight on sunday april 15th or you will not be entered in the contest. i will post all the cards on my blog on that
day for judging.

the following people have not submitted a card as on today:

kim (kit was resent)

7 peeps have to say:

Anonymous said...

Which Heather?

shuggy said...

nope, the other one

Anonymous said...

Ok thanks

Anonymous said...

Oops that last one was Keltie-Heather

Pam Speidel said...

I can't believe how many haven't responded...this was such an awesome kit you put together and I loved doing it! Can't wait to see the ones you've got! :)

Anonymous said...

Heather- Keltie
i thought it was loads of fun, and I'm eager to see the different creations that people made. Thanks for putting this together Angie

Sherri Thacker said...

And I thought I was the last one to get mine in. Whew! I can't wait to find out who the winner is... BTW, what is our prize? :)