Apr 8, 2007

could it be??

first there were rumors…then ideas…then a little sign was posted. it was real. it was really going to happen. i’ve watched it grow since the time it was announced…it started out as a great big field. it had tree stumps and weeds. slowly they began to clear away all the debris. soon, it was one ginormous plot of fresh dirt. beautiful. then the metal monsters came in. one by one the sides went up. huge cold slabs of concrete. bigger than many have seen. then came in the real meat of it…huge, one might say…peice by piece…it’s been slowly transforming. it’s like watching a newborn grow into an infant, then a toddler. everyday little subtle changes…some not so subtle. then one day last week…it began to become more recognizable than ever…a little paint was applied…that unmistakable wonderful shade of royal blue. soon to follow were the infamous bold yellow letters that spelled it all out.


opens may 23

7 peeps have to say:

Sherri Thacker said...

Oh its opening on my birthday! WOO HOO. I love IKEA!! I have been to the one near Chicago and it is great. We are supposed to be getting one here in Charlotte in a year or two and I can't wait. Do you know they have the BEST and I mean the BEST cinnamon rolls in their restaurant section? They cost something like 80 cents or something like that. love them! ha ha Have one for me on opening day will you please? Sherri

Pegg S said...

I was just there yesterday getting some things for my craft area (which is a corner in our office/laundry/junk room)!! Have fun-- May 23 is so close. Start looking at a catalog to get ideas!

BarbK said...

LOL! I thought you were talking about watching your new house being built. IKEA is every bit as good thouh. We've had IKEA for years and I love most of their stuff, especially the kitchen gadgets. Start saving your money!

Suzi said...

You are so lucky!!! How cool is it that you're getting a new stamp room & an Ikea!!! Talk about serendipity (or however it's spelled) Someone said StL was getting one but, I don't know where or anything else.

We're leaving for Chicago in about an hour. Supposedly, we're going to be near an Ikea. I'm hoping dh will let me run in for a few minutes & at least get some of those coolio jars!

Anonymous said...

Love IKEA! Were supposed to have one open by us sometime in 2008? I think. I have been to the one in CT a few times and LOVE it!

Kim said...

A girl after my own heart! We too have the beginnings of an IKEA in Orlando and I could not be happier!! No, seriously, I couldn't!

shuggy said...

i'm hoping to find some good furniture for storage and organizing my craft room!