Apr 26, 2007

lost golfball found....

um in case anyone is missing a golfball, i have recently found on the the back of my throat. would you kindly stake claim to it so i can get rid of it?

sheesh. i don't know where this came from, but suddenly i have such a nasty respiratory bug. came out of the blue yesterday and is kicking my trash. finally around 4am, my loving boyfriend kicked me out of bed so i could go find something to make me stop coughing. sorry honey!!

who makes tropical fruit cough drops and what in the name of pete possessed me to buy them at one time? i guess they serve a purpose, but boy are they nasty. so now it's 5am and i can't get back to sleep...i guess i'll go do some homework.

3 peeps have to say:

K Hutchinson said...

How can you study when your throat hurts....I have this stupid cold thingie and my head feels like it is going to explored at any minute. I can think straight either!

Hope you feel better soon!


Suzi said...

Sorry you feel so crappy! I have never seen tropical fruit cough drops? Were they Halls? I live on Halls Cherry cough drops when I get a cold. They taste like crap too but they usually help for a little bit. Do NOT ever try the strawberry tho. Ughhhhhh! Awful stuff. Somethings were not meant to go w/myntholyptus (or however it's spelled).

michelle sturgeon said...

oh, sorry you are so sick. Go back to bed!