for instance...stampin up you leave them in the boxes they come in or do you move them to different containers. you mount them and store them a special way? how do you remember what you have?
i need ideas and suggestions!!! please leave me a comment with your version of organizing and storing your stamps. i will take suggestions until midnight on april 8th. i'll draw a random suggestion to win the booty!!! only one entry per person...but if you have multiple suggestions, fire away. one person will be drawn from part 1 and 2 combined.
the booty...
- 4 sets of chipboard shapes from heidi swapp
- 1 spring frame kit by heidi swapp
- 1 set of unmounted stamps from purple onion (but not the sharpie! for size reference only, unless you really need a sharpie!)

30 peeps have to say:
Oooh yippee am I the first, cause I live in UK most of my SU sets are unmounted so I have put them into clear CD cases and then either used the label if it has one for the edge of the CD case or my dymo labeller and I have a nice pine CD unit from Ikea on my desk which looks fab. Otherwise I keep the sets from SU that I have in their boxes in a wheelie three tiered basket beside me so they are available when I want them, lovely blog candy Angie - i will get this mentioned on my blog
arrg, I posted in the wrong place, lemme copy and paste... (you are holding on while I go copy)
I keep unmounteds in CD cases.I have them stacked, I don't have tons and tons though. Anyhow I have phrases together, animals, people, holiday and so on. turns out I only have 2 cases of flowers!
My SU are in the boxes they came in I have them stacked on top of my drawer thingies It's not perfect but I don't have millions of those either so it's working for me.
My other mounted stamps are in these two drawer thingies. (pics of all this is in the gallery btw)
I index all my stamps. I have a 3 ring binder and I stamp everything in there as it comes in then note where it is. So if it's in a CD case I write whatever I wrote on the lable on the CD case and that it is in a CD case so "TAC Swirly Gigs CD Case" or, "Crab & CO SU in boxes" would be in the book. I don't always put the company, but I'm trying now to do so on the unmounted ones so I can submit them and also just tell yall folks where I got the cute stamps.
I usually know where everything is without the book but I bet someday that won't be the case. and every once in a while Brian wants to stamp and it's been great for him to know where to find stuff.
I need to win that stuff please. I don't have ANY of that and of course that means I need it.
I am not sure if I can fit it all here! I re-organized a couple of months ago and I love my system...I keep my mounted stamps in those photo-safe storage boxes. They are arranged by floral, words, people, etc. My un-mounteds are in large 3-ring binders. They have the vinyl on the back of them and they stick to the pages in the binders. They are organized the same way. To keep track of everything, I scanned the back of my mounted stamps and then wrote on the name, product # and how much I paid for it. I also took pieces of paper and punched each punch and put the same info down for that. I also didi that for inkpads, glitter etc. All of those pages go in a binder also. As far as storage for these items, I use iris carts for most of it...labeled of course. For my ribbons and large punches, I got these white wire closet racks at home depot. They have 4 sections and they are mounted on the back of the door. They are perfect. For my 12x12 paper, I went to Target and purchased the plastic drawer units that are 12x12. I love these because each drawer slides out and is a unit by has a lift up cover so the paper is really protected. For my 8.5x11 paper I use a regular iris cart. All paper is sorted by color...all the solids in one unit and printed I sort by dominant color in another unit. For scraps that are smaller than half sheet of 8.5x11, I put them in 6x9 envelopes by color and these are stored on in a file cabinet...but I use another iris cart with a deeper drawer. On the table where I work, I have a couple of 3 drawer plastic units where I keep my scissors, colored pencils and markers...all of which are stored flat. Whew!...I hope this helps you out...I love my new room. I have used this system for years and I love the way it works. The only new thing I added was the rack system on the door for the ribbons. Oh yeah, and I use one of those nut and bolt things that men keep in the garage for my small embelishments.
My system is very simple. I have narrow shelves from IKEA mounted on the entire wall above my craft table that hold all of my mounted stamps. I love it because I can see them right away and use them more. It also helps me to clear out those I'm not using to make way for new ones that arrive occasionally. I have a few unmounted & acrylics that are in a drawer unit on the closet shelf and the SU sets are stacked on the shelf next to it. I don't yet have an indexing system, but love the idea of it.
My organization consists of me calling my maid and asking her to bring me what I want. She has it all organized and, as long as I get what I want, when I ask for it, I really don't care how she stores it! Just kidding, of course, all the comments above have it covered and I use almost all of the same ideas from iris carts to the nut and bolt thingie for the auto shop stores.
I HAVE to keep my SU stamps in their boxes!!! I would break out in a rash if I took them out! I have some in the bottom drawers of my Iris cart, labeled but not at ALL organized by type. Since I have accumulated so many more SU lately, I have those in those square grid box things that target sells. They are stacked on top of each other. Unfortunately, they are 2 deep so I have to move some boxes to see what else is in there. When I get a new SU set, I scan the sticker sheet that comes with it. Then, I print out that sheet, reducing it a bit. Then, I stick the smaller copy inside the box so I know what stamp goes where. It also keeps an ongoing record of what I have.
I have my SU stamps on their side with the labels out on my bookshelf, my dollar stamps in an old dishwasher soap bucket (?!?), my acrylics on CD cases and my unmounteds just in a large flat tupperware case. I can't say I am happy with this but I have yet to take the time to re-org everything!
I don't know if I will ever be happy with what is going on in my craft area...I would love to read what all the comments here are!
I store my mounted stamps in dollar store plastic "shoe" totes. All are labelled accordingly girly, flowers, etc. My favorite mounted are still displayed on a shelf but in limited numbers. My SU are in their plastic cases label side out & also I print off a copy of the picture for my inventory book as well as an extra to stick in the SU case. This way if a stamp comes up missing, I can easily know which one is missing. My UM are also store in labelled plastic totes (smaller). They are labelled as per company or if I don't have many from one company I have a misc. I also do as the other posters and keep a detailed inventory book of all my stamps.
I keep my Stampin Up sets in their plastic cases with a label on the side so I can store them on shelves on their sides like books. Organized alphabetically in groups by case size except words/sayings which are also organized by alphabet and case size but in their own group. Misc stamps are in a drawer in acryllic photo frames grouped somewhat by theme. I am currently scanning in all my stamps so I can make files by subject and by set in the computer to help keep track of what I have.
I'm in the process of unmounting all mine and adding them to the static cling thingies so I can store them in CD cases so they aren't so big and bulky.
Hello! Great Blog! I only have SU stamps so far. I like to keep them mounted in there cases. Than I put tham in shoe boxes on a shelf so I can get to them and they are orgenized. I only have around 20 sets so I know were they all are.
I leave all my Stampin' Up stamps in their cases and they are stored in those wire cubes by theme. I found an idea a long time ago about using cable ties to add more shelves.
My SU are in their original a large tote... and one drawer...I'm out growing my space..hehe.
I only have a couple of unmounted I'm looking for ideas too.
My ribbons, I got 2 fabulous ribbon holders for Christmas...10 bucks each. I can't find the website right now. And I got a supr great ink storage my inks down slide about!
I've mounted all of my SU stamps & keep them in their original container (other than single stamps - then I keep the container for other stamp uses) I've recently acquired quite a collection of loose stamps. So I purchased more stamp boxes from SU (anyone know where I can get some more... cheaper?) and all of my stamps are kept in plastic drawers.. which I now need more of too.. LOL! :D TFS
I store all my SU stamps in drawers with the name up so I can see each one at a glance. All my un-mounteds are in CD cases and lined up on a shelf. And no, I can't remember what all I have....Thanks for the blog candy!
I don't have alot of SU stamps and I am lucky to have shelves to display my stamps on. I used to have them all in Iris carts but didn't see them, so I wouldn't use many of them that I had to dig for. I love seeing the images on the wood and I do take the SU stamps out and put them in the appropriate category. I have mine organized by type - flowers, leaves and trees, verses (separated by type - thank you, friends, birthday, etc.) and that works well for me so far.
PLEASE pick me! :) I absolutely love the stamps! I like to keep my SU stamps in the box they come in. I've got some cheap shelving that goes from floor to as high as I can reach. I set the boxes on their ends so I can just walk over to the shelves and see what I've got. For the stamps that don't have boxes, I stand the stamp up on end so I can also see them at a glance. Thanks!!
Cheryl KVD
i store my stamps in their own boxes if they came in sets...standing upright on their ends and alphabetically. Not sure that's the correct way but that's what I do.
My ribbon is just on their spools, again upright, in a drawer all to themselves.
the loose stamps that are new or the ones I am working with sit atop the ink box. the old ones are in a large acrylic box.
Since I don,t have a craft room either I leave my su stamps in the cases them but them in my box.It,s a pain but until we get a new house or my kids move out it will have to do
I have just started buying unmounteds, and don't anticipate a big collection so I can't help ya' there. I do however, have a lot of SU! stamps. I use a downstairs kitchen for my stamp room, so I have one cupboard for my retired sets, and one cupboard plus a microwave shelf for my current. I use my label machine to make big labels so I can see and I stack them according to the size of the box. I do have a separate shelf for my alphabets and word stamps.
Not very innovative, but it works for me!
Heather L.
Hello, I have all my stamps in cd cases stored in canvas drawers in my craft box. My husband gave me the craft box a year ago for my birthday. It's an incredible crafting storage system with a built in table and when you are all done you can close it up and it looks like an armoire. I use the stamp cases my stamps come in to store scissors, sponges, scraps of paper, etc in the drawers too.
N. Grant
hi there,
i keep my stampin up stamps in their original boxes and store them in a organize it cart. (it has wheels so i can wheel it around the house, since i still don't have my permanent stamping space) it's a bit easier for me, since i am just beginning and don't have too many sets... yet.. =)
hi there,
i keep my stampin up stamps in their original boxes and store them in a organize it cart. (it has wheels so i can wheel it around the house, since i still don't have my permanent stamping space) it's a bit easier for me, since i am just beginning and don't have too many sets... yet.. =)
Stamp storage...I just have mine all stacked like books on a shelf (the stampin'up sets) so that the label is visible. I don't have much in the way of clear and unmounteds, so they are contained in a little box. I supposed if I had more, I'd need to organize better!
(wish and dream....!)
Thanks for the giveaway!
I keep all my wood mounted stamps in photoboxes by themes. all trees are together and all babies are together. I stamp on the outside of the plain white photo boxes what is inside and if I buy more, stamp whichever box they are in.
I have my SU stamps in their original boxes with the names on one of the short sides. I then put them in a long file cabinet. This holds ALOT of stamps when you line them up side by side and the long sides of the box are on the sides, short sides with names facing up. I can also see all the names and they are hidden! Plus, I have room to grow. I also have files in the open drawers to keep paper, cards, and any other files I need.
I havn't started this yet, but I plan on it soon. I read in someone's blog that they copy the picture of each stamping set and put it in a three ring binder. That way if your looking for a certain saying or picture, you can flip through your book instead of going through each stamp set.
For now I keep my stamps in baskets, I like the look but it's hard to find what I want sometimes. Someday I want to have a wall holder so they can all be on display and found easier.
Claudia F.
So Ang, you know you are just introducing me to the wide world of stamps (outside of SU) so I don't have a whole lot of non-SU yet. All of my SU are mounted and in the original box, since I am still demonstrating and want to know what is is each set. I do copy the stickers and put the copy in the box before I peel them and mount them on the wood so that I know which stamps are in that set. I label them on the side and stack them on the shelves in my closet. I also have the active and retired sets separated since I actively demonstrate.
thanks for all the wonderful ideas and suggestions!!!
the big winner is jackie!!!
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