Jun 9, 2007

i just don't get it...

is this...

really necessary???

honestly! and we got more today!

6 peeps have to say:

Linda SS said...

Yikes...I have given up figuring out how they all work and which one goes to what. So I have my own TV room now with only 3 remotes. My husband has at least 12 remotes in our theatre room & I rarely go in there anymore unless we have company & he's home to set it all up. I've had high-tec burnout I guess, and like a SIMPLE life style. I ADORE your new hairstyle...CUTE CUTE CUTE! Linda

BarbK said...

that's unbelievable!

Anonymous said...

The most important one there is the TiVo remote for Direct TV. That one is a necessity! I go crazy when the kids misplace it!!

dawnmercedes said...

hey, at least you have them all in one place!

dawnmercedes said...

hey, at least you have them all in one place!

Anonymous said...

Easy solution - go buy a Logitech Harmony remote. I have the Harmony 520. A little tricky to program, but once done, it took the role of 6 other remotes. Better yet - you can assign one button to "TV", another to "TIVO", another to "DVD". Then, when you push that button, it will power on ONLY those devices, plus switch them to where they need to be. Example - For TIVO, I must 1) power on three machines, 2) set the Stereo to INPUT 2, and 3) set the VCR (which I use as a channel changer, different story) to channel 80, then, and only then, can I watch TIVO. Before I used to use 4 remotes to "watch TIVO", now I push just one button, and all the magic happens. Finally, to turn everything off... one button... shuts everything down.

You should go google it.

-Another Husband