so i found a killer sale at archivers today. i rarely go there, not sure why, but i went today and found so many things on sale! i got a cute changio monkey set and i already have one of the stamps. so i want to give the wood mounted one away to a good home (it is slightly used, but great condition!) so please post here and i'll draw a random name on monday, july 13th.
update: and the lucky winner from my trusty random number picker (aka my husband!) is joan aka lakeslady!!
woot woot!! send me your address please!!
15 peeps have to say:
Hi Shuggy... count me in!!
Is he drinking chai? Hate hate hate that it's cold tonight. I need the heat on. I was at Archiver's on Wednesday looking for map DP. I earned free photo printing. Wonder how it is?
Are you on facebook? I need another neighbor for my farm.
Thanks Angie! That stamp is cute & I bet he'd make some cute Holiday cards!
I've done that before...buy a stamp that I already have. LOL! Little Changito looks chilly! I would love to give him a good home and keep him warmed up!
That is such a cute stamp! It would make a great holiday/winter card. Love it!
He's so cute. Pick me.. Thanks.
Kim (Spartymom)
very very generous of you!! I love that adorable stamp.
so, what other bargains did you get?
Such a cute stamp! I want in!
Ahh, poor lonely thing..I think he would be very happy with all his stamp friends at my house!
Did someone say GIVEAWAY??!! :) Count this Changito monkey lover in please...I don't have this one! (yet) ;)
How generous of you Angie and what a cutie of a stamp. I have not got any Changito stamps and I am sure that one wants to come and visit me LOL You see he is drinking tea ( my favourite drink) and he is shivering so he must be used to the English weather.
If I am lucky enough to win it, I too will share your love, stamp a couple of pages of images and play it forward.
Well it is worth a try........I thought you might be open to a bribe ROFL
Very SWEET of you Ang! He is a cutie. :)
This little monkey is just to stinkin cute. Thanks so much for a chance and for thinking of us in blogland.
Hey gal...long time no see! Saw your tweet so I thought I would come over! Changito is too cute here! Have a good week Angie!
and the lucky winner from my trusty random number picker (aka my husband!) is joan aka lakeslady!!
woot woot!! send me your address please!!
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